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Spaghetti Mancini with chicken regaje by Armando al Pantheon

From 12,00

The first

Pasta with chicken giblets is a dish for those who love rustic and true flavors, one of the most typical dishes of Roman cuisine!
500gr of Mancini pasta are included
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Ingredients: Chicken Regaje Sauce (chicken livers, heart, lung, gricili) fresh tomato, diced ham, onion, celery, carrot, red wine, cinnamon, nutmeg, 3 cloves. Parmesan, cubeba pepper.
Spaghetti Martelli: pack of 500 gr. Supplied separately to be cooked.

Preparation: Cook the pasta in salted, boiling water. Pour the contents of the jar into a large pan. When cooked, drain the pasta and put it in a pan with the sauce. If the pasta turns out to be too thick, add a little cooking water. Skip everything and serve. Sprinkle with parmesan, eat very hot.

Armando Al Pantheon since 1961 is the Roman tradition at the table with a novelty. Casa di Armando, because food is hospitality in a broad sense.