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Selection of craft beers

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Homemade beers

A selection of quality craft beers ready to accompany your aperitifs!
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At the office.

Coromandel drinks selection:

The beers of the ELAV Bergamo Independent Brewery

  • PUNKS Best bitter 4,4% vol
  • ELAV PILSNER Pils 4,5% vol
  • INDIE ALE Amber aie 5.5% vol

The beers of the Brewery 61 CENTO Pesaro

  • PICUS Waiss 5.2% vol
  • ELK Amber lager 5.8% vol
  • TORIBI Blond Aie 5.2% vol

Beer allergens: 1

European Allergen Regulation Codes: 1.Cereals 2.Crustaceans 3. Eggs 4.Fish 5.Peanuts 6.Soy 7.Milk 8.Nuts 9.Celard 10.Mustard 11.Sesame 12.Sulphites 13.Lupins 14.Molluscs.

The images in the gallery have been inserted for illustrative purposes only.

Il ristorante che è un po' casa, un pò salotto. Il "luogo" dove la passione di una padrona di casa raffinata, la classe di una direttrice intelligente e lo studio e ricerca gastronomica di una chef emergente fanno la differenza.