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Rose Candle Gift Set


Rose Candle Gift Set

This set is perfect to double the surprise for your special someone. Or, keep one for your home and give one to the person you love.

This product is suggested for

Anniversary, Italian style, Gift Ideas, Birthday, Christmas.

Rose Candles Twin Set

Indian rose; a timeless emblem of deep decadence. A traditional Indian wedding is not considered complete without fresh roses to enhance the beauty of the occasion. Chains of rose petals hang from canopies and embellish tables, the most famous aroma enriching the air. This set is perfect to double the surprise for your special someone. Or, keep one for your home and give one to the person you love.

Easily forgotten on the stacked pages of a notebook, her idea for a collection of luxury scarves was born. A celebration of femininity and uncompromising craftsmanship. The collection combines skilled hand-drawn artistry with unrivalled print technology. Made with the finest quality threads and printed with premium dyes.