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Orcio Oil Fumo – 250ml


Smoked Oil

The taste, together with delicate softness, faithfully brings back smoky memories, interspersed with adequate spicy notes and florid persistence.

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Fumo is the Peranzana variety extra virgin olive oil naturally cold smoked with natural woods. Unique for exceptional perfumes and taste nuances. An elegant finish that enhances the raw materials without covering their identity. That personalizes the flavors with extra virgin genuineness.
Fumo, the surprising companion for an improvised bruschetta with friends, the addition of taste to make two vegetables special steamed or sautéed in a pan.
Available in 250ml format.
Their identity can be summarized as: "the glamorous face of the Apulian oil", they managed to create a love marriage between two main traditions of this land: the vascular and the oil ones, and together they traveled around the world. In reality they have simply recovered a tradition of a few millennia ago, storing oil in terracotta jars. Tradition yes, but in a contemporary dress, even in the colors. The jars-icon of the Frantoio Muraglia company are entirely made by the Apulian artisans, skilled in modeling clay baked in the oven and in vascular painting entirely handmade.