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Blueberry or Mango Cheesecake – 4/6 servings


Fall in love with the first bite

Sweet with a linear flavor and a contrasting consistency. Based on chopped almonds and agave, the central cream is a mix of organic mango or blueberry and cashews ... on top of the mango or blueberry and agave coulis.
Click Add and choose the flavor you prefer .

This product is suggested for

Dinner invitation.

Special features

Cake diameter : 12cm

Let yourself be tempted by the pungent freshness of the blueberry or the warm exotic embrace of the mango.
A crunchy base of chopped almonds and agave, covered with an enveloping cream of cashews and blueberries or mango ... to finish it all off a delicate coulis of raspberries or mango to make this dessert unique.

We recommend keeping the cake at room temperature if it is eaten within 2/3 hours, otherwise keep it in the fridge .

The result? Unique, tasty and nutritious sweets.
The raw food techniques amplify the natural flavor of the ingredients and make Grezzo's desserts a unique experience ideal for sportsmen, fans of nutrition and gourmet cooking, vegans, celiacs, lactose intolerant.
Raw is the healthy evolution of taste.