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Casacosta Charcuterie & Cheese Selection

by -
Italian Style Apertif
Sit back and relax with our selection of charcuterie and cheese served with homemade focaccia Genovese and a typical Rosetta Bread

This product is suggested for

At Home, Dinner invitation, Valentine's Day.

Description: What's included in the box
  • Truffle Salame Martinese 150g - Cervellera (Puglia)
  • Mortadella Bologna 150g - (Emilia)
  • Parma Ham 24 Months 100g - Tanara (Emilia)
  • Blu di Morozzo 300g - La Bottera (Piemonte)
  • Gorgonzola Dolce 250g - Caseificio Arioli (Lombardia)
  • Homemade Focaccia Bread 500g - (Liguria)
  • 2 x Rosetta Bread